Medical Directives

Medical Directives Wherever Your Travels Take You

Wherever You are on Life’s Journey, You Need Advance Medical Directives – Living Will, a Durable Power of Attorney or Health Care Instructions

Young or old or in between, you need advance directives to tell other’s your preferences in circumstances when you are not capable of executing your wishes yourself.

A living will can specify what types of medical treatments are wanted in the case of incapacity. Some individuals may elect to withhold life-sustaining measures that could prolong dying if a condition is determined to be terminal. You can outline your guidelines on the use of artificial feeding tubes, ventilators, CPR, or other means of resuscitation.

There are both health care and financial powers of attorney. Creating a health care power of attorney allows you to inform others who can make medical decisions for you. A separate financial power of attorney enables the same or different individual to make financial transactions on your behalf while you are medically incapacitated.

Preparing the appropriate directives can ensure that your wishes are understood in the event of coma, stroke, severe brain injury or an accident that leaves you in a persistent vegetative state. You can also anticipate your care in the case of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. It is important to craft and take these initiatives while you are well and can designate a surrogate decision-maker.

Advance medical directives are important for you to discuss with an attorney. As always, consulting an attorney is the best course of action to create and update these critical documents.