Elder Law

Elder Law: Protecting Grandparents

Prevent Your Loved Ones From Growing Older in Isolation and Becoming the Victims of Physical or Financial Abuse

Elder law addresses the legal needs of elderly people, including Medicare, Medicaid, retirement benefits, estate planning, health care and health management, and other issues. Many older people are forced to move into nursing homes to convalesce from surgery or to receive long-term custodial care.

The Older Americans Act authorizes the use of federal funds for elder abuse awareness. This legislation recognizes that some individuals could be living out their lives in isolation and loneliness and as a result, could be neglected or exploited. This addresses the result of such abuse but does little to prevent the cause or address the symptoms leading up to the abuse.

The James Donivan Evans Group pioneered a way for clients to engage in a lifetime relationship with this office that in essence, functions as the family lawyer as existed in ages past. Utilizing a specialized and unique updating program, we are able to sustain a long-term relationship with clients.

We strive to protect and ensure that client wishes are carried out and not subverted through stealth or greed, especially as people can be more vulnerable as they age.

Through regular and constant monitoring, this contact between client and attorney makes becoming a victim of exploitation improbable.

According to the November 2018 edition of Better Homes and Gardens, 58% of adults don’t have a will or living trust. Take action to make sure you are not part of that statistic.